Arabic 400
(Upper Intermediate / Advanced)


Dive into the beauty of the Arabic language while offering both online and in person classes. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate learner, or an advanced speaker, our courses are tailored to elevate your language skills and bring you an unparalleled Arabic learning experience!

* Our Unique Approach: Blending Tradition with Modernity: Immerse yourself in the beauty of the Arabic language while embracing the conveniences of modern technology.
* Experienced Educators: Learn from passionate instructors who share the same vision and love for this great language.
* Comprehensive Curriculum: From mastering the alphabet to delving into advanced linguistic nuances, our curriculum is designed to cater to all levels of proficiency.
Don’t miss this chance to be part of Raheeq Institute’s pioneering Arabic school, providing a vibrant learning environment that fosters collaboration and friendship.

A- Learning Outcomes for this Course
In these three levels students will:
  • Master the linguistic skills necessary to understand and discuss abstract ideas presented in the learning content.
  • Continue developing and enhancing the four language skills through class discussions, interactive activities and “Daily 5” language stations.
  • Master the ability to express in writing about different topics including a thorough knowledge of grammar and basic language skills
    Communicate as well as present and interpret information using their inventory of Arabic vocabulary.
  • Demonstrate a mastery of the use of information literacy tools.


B- Course Description

  • Live Teaching Session (listening, Reading, Speaking, Vocabulary) (45 minutes)
  • Different Language Stations and Interactive Activities (45 Minutes)
  • Students will rotate between stations working on different language skills. Each station is around 15 minutes.
  • Wrap up Time (10 minutes) Conclusion and instructions for homework.

C- Course Detials

  • 6 years Old & Up
  • Small classes
In Person Classes – Creative Minds (Unit 10, 10807 Castle Downs Rd)
  • Saturday 1:00 – 2:30 and Tuesday 6:00 – 7:00 (by zoom)
Online Classes – 1/2 hr once a week (Zoom)
  • Time and date to be coordinated with the teacher

To stay connected and maximize the educational benefits, we allocated 1.5 hours on the weekend for the main lesson and additional one hour on the weekdays for homework assignments and follow up during the week.


D- Fees

  • $65 monthly fee for 9 months – (automatic withdrawal)
  • $70.00 – one time – educational materials (Arabic student textbook and workbook)

(School Year: September 16, 2023 Till End of May 2024)

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